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Mission & Vision


Our mission is to tap into the genius that all classified and certificated team members possess in order to develop the capacity of all colleagues to provide equity and excellence for all students. We believe in collective educator efficacy, because the most powerful and effective professional development comes from purposeful educator collaboration. We will do this by nurturing the culture and conditions for psychological safety among all classified and certificated staff so that we are open to receiving and providing constructive feedback to our colleagues. We will build on teachers' strengths through an asset- based approach. Buy-in is of critical importance to the ILT, so teacher voice and choice will be foundational to our work. We believe in distributed leadership, so we will encourage and support our colleagues to present best-practices and research-based information to their colleagues. Our ultimate goal is that all of the aforementioned practices, systems and processes will result in significant, measurable student growth in SEL, accelerating learning and closing the achievement gap for our African American students, while also maintaining academic and SEL growth among all students.